
The Chris and Lentreise Bardell Family Foundation has always been impacted by the knowledge that children are supposed to learn how to read up until the 3rd grade before they transition past the critical literacy milestone of reading to learn.

Low literacy rates in elementary school can be, and often are, early statistical indicators of increased learning issues in high school, lower graduation rates, and an increased chance of incarceration.

The Foundation is committed to decreasing these issues to improve the quality of life for the children and families in our communities. It takes a community effort, and we’re proud to highlight organizations in Louisiana that are providing credible information about the current state of early childhood issues.

agenda for children

Agenda for Children was founded in 1984 by a multi-racial group of dedicated community advocates to create an independent voice for Louisiana’s children. Agenda for Children works to improve the well-being of Louisiana’s children through policy, research, and advocacy. They use national and local data on child well-being in the areas of Economic Well-being, Health, Education, and Family and Community to paint a portrait of how children in each of Louisiana’s parishes are doing. They use that data and policy analysis to push for policies that will create equitable opportunities for all children.

Total Community Action, Inc. (TCA) is a non-profit community-based agency, dedicated to serving the needs of the disadvantaged. Founded in 1964, TCA has worked with families to overcome social and economic conditions that perpetuate poverty. Services provided by TCA address the needs of the poor and near-poor by providing direct assistance, as well as the opportunity for people to better help themselves.

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